Futsal keppni hefst í október

Futsal keppni verður leikin í haust á sunnudögum í Íþróttahúsinu í Bolungavík. Keppnin hefst 8. október og leikið verður alla sunnudaga til 26. nóvember frá kl 10 að morgni til kl 16 síðdegis.

Í liði geta verið 10 leikmenn en inn á vellinum hverju sinni eru þrír útleikmenn og markvörður.

Skráning er hafin og hægt er að tilkynna um þátttöku í síma 831-0941 eða á vefsíðu keppninnar. Skráningargjald er 10.000 kr.


Are you ready for another exciting year of futsal ? The new season is just around the corner, with the first round kicking off on October 8th on Sunday – our league will run until November 26th with matches scheduled every Sunday from 10 AM to 4 PM.

As always, we’ll be sticking to the our futsal format, with three players on the field at a time + goalkeeper. You can assemble a squad of up to 10 players for your team. The competition is fierce, and the stakes are high!

Don’t miss out on the chance to be a part of this thrilling league. Registrations are open now, and we encourage you to sign up your team promptly. You can register by texting us at 831-0941 or sending us a message through our website.

The entry fee is 10k isk per team, so gather your teammates and get ready for some intense futsal action. We look forward to seeing you on the field! Join us and be a part of this amazing futsal competition!